All ends well, I did an inspection once again to view the condition of the mountings and bushes, plus did a short test drive before the petrol light ON!
The drive shaft CV rubber boot, clean and no traces of grease.

Both side of the lower arm rubber mounting was replace..looks good.

New front absorber mountings are well place...
Forward engine mounting just behind the radiator
Engine mounting beside timing belt

Engine mounting above gear box
And finally, rear engine mounting near the steering rack.

Now my 6 year old Matrix feel like a new MPV...
Where did you get your absorber & mountings changed?
Colin aka gunner93
Change them at my regular workshop in Tmn Melawati.So far they are ok in handling my Matrix.
Hi, are you able to check with your workshop to see if they have stock of Engine mountings for 1.6M Matrix?
There is no stock in Singapore so thinking up to KL to get it.
My workshop dont keep stock.But they say they can get it once you place the order.Like me, I just leave my Matrix the whole day for them to change the mountings and absorbers. But in fact the work is less than a day.
As Salam Ritz
Jafar Matrix here how to get hold of you. I am still with my old number. Urgent!
Yes Jafar... I hope you have found what you're looking for.
Ritz, actually what's the name & where's your regular workshop located in Taman Melawati?
Az..the shop is located near the international school tmn melawati.The name of the shop is Pusat Membaiki Kereta Melawati.Beside the shop is an aicond servicing shop.
Harga Upah untuk tukar mounting absorber berapa ?
Tak berapa pasti untuk hanya absorber mounting, coz hari tu I tukar injin mounting serta absorber depan dengan mounting, upah dalam RM85.
Assalam. Saya pakai Hyundai Matrix 1.6. Mana nak cari drive shaft second. Yg baru agak mahal
Salam Aznan drive shaft also need to be change. Yesterday I check the price is RM250/pc, brand new OEM.
You may check with Mobis Express in Segambut.
Assalamualaikum boh....
Tanya sket.... radiator inokom matrix baper harga ?
Waalaikumsalam...baru ni tukar radiator..kena RM550 siap pasang
Aslkm..salam ramadhan..inokom matrix saya drive shaft dah meragam..jadi nak Tanya berapa budget nak tukar baru dan upahnya..OEM pun takpa original part mahei...t.kasih.
W'salam...baru tukar hari ni. Siap pasang RM350 kat Pusat baiki Kereta,Taman Melawati.
Cek dulu drive shaft rosak bhg yg mana. Klu bhg kepala je yg rosak...g sparepart beli kepala shj.rm 90 satu biji.
Southern Matrix...betul not necessary replace whole drive shaft. Unless inner hub yg dekat gear box tu yang dah spoil.
Salam En Ritzzuan,
Berapa kos total upah pasang dan barang yang en ganti kt matrix seperti diatas? Saya cadang nak tukar full macam saudara jugak, tak tenteram bawak goyang sana sini
Salam En Ritzzuan,
Berapa kos total upah pasang dan barang yang en ganti kt matrix seperti diatas? Saya cadang nak tukar full macam saudara jugak, tak tenteram bawak goyang sana sini
Awang Cutter....estimated antara RM1200-RM1600.
Ok terima kasih
Ok terima kasih
Salam En.Ritzzuan....kereta matrix saya 1.6 Auto bila
Masuk gear kereta akan kekiri atau kanan...patut saya tukar lower arm atau bush
W'salam En Azman...kalau dulu boleh tukar bush, tapi waktu sekarang banyak workshop lebih gemar tukar keseluruhan lower arm. Kalau matrix dah lebih 10 tahun, bukan aje lower arm kena tukar..injin mounting,tie rod,absorber,drive shaft...elok stby dlm Rm2k.
assalam southern matrik..maaf nk tnya berkaitan driveshaft hyundai atos gearbox auto.kalau buka n tarik driveshaft..adakah trip atau gigi2 dekat housing gearbox akan rosak? takut selepas pasang jadi bergegar plak..mohon tunjuk ajar..tq ya.
assalam southern matrik..maaf nk tnya berkaitan driveshaft hyundai atos gearbox auto.kalau buka n tarik driveshaft..adakah trip atau gigi2 dekat housing gearbox akan rosak? takut selepas pasang jadi bergegar plak..mohon tunjuk ajar..tq ya.
Waalaikumsalam Solehan...Saya berpandukan pd manual gearbox sebab matrix saya jenia manual. Tak menjadi masalah walaupun dicabut dan masuk beberapa kali..cuma beri perhation pd oil seal pd gear box....elok tukar kalau tak pernah tukar dan sewaktu cabut driveshaft, minyak gearbox akan keluar Tak perlu turun gear box kalau nak tukar oil seal.
Salam en ritzuan, berapa ya kos untuk tukar oil seal gearbox dan oil seal pd druve shaft sekali.
Waalaikumsalam Fatin....oil seal tak mahal, max RM300 utk kedua belah oil seal pd drive shaft dan oil seal pd gearbox. Cuma upah jer mungkin mahal ternasuk tukar minyak gear box(manual gearbox)..
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